





产品简介:产品型号: AT-613W 产品名称:无线幕帘型被动红外探测器 功能特点: ◆ 无线传送数据信号 ◆ 低电压报警功能 ◆ 自动温度补偿 ◆ SMT工艺制造,抗RFI、EMI干扰 ◆ 超低功耗,电池使用寿命长 ◆ 动态阀值调节技术,有效地防止干扰 ◆ 三级脉冲计数可调节,方便不同的环境使用 技术参数: 工作电压:2*1.5V 2节AA电池 静态电流:≤10uA 报警电流:≤15mA 电池寿命:1~2年 工作温度:-10℃ ~+50℃ 安装方式:壁挂 安装高度:2m左右 探测距离:9m 探测角度:15度 发射频率:315MHZ或433MHZ 发射距离:无阻碍空旷区域不低于150m 外形尺寸:110*69.5*40mm...


产品简介:型号:AT-615 名称:吸顶被动红外探测器 功能特点: ◆ 吸顶安装 ◆ 阻燃ABS外壳 ◆ 自动温度补偿 ◆ SMT工艺制造,抗RFI、EMI干扰 ◆ 三级脉冲计数可调节,方便不同的环境安装 ◆ 动态阀值调节技术,有效地防止干扰 ◆ 报警输出NC/NO可选,适应不同的报警主机 技术参数: 工作电压:DC9-16V 消耗电流:≤18mA(DC12V时) 工作温度:-10℃ ~+50℃ 安装方式:吸顶 安装高度:2.5m~6m 探测范围:直径8m(安装高度在3.6m时) 探测角度:360度 报警输出:常闭/常开可选 防拆开关:常闭 尺寸:φ106*36mm...


产品简介:适用于各种别墅和一般住宅场所的安全防盗使用。 AT-615HR吸顶式被动移动探测器是安特瑞吸顶红外探测器中为经济的一款设计。产品结合先进的光学设计和电子设计,使其在探测器的防范范围和防误报能力方面独树一帜。智能型、超薄设计、微处理器控制,具有真实温度补偿和抗电磁技术。 并利用专有的菲涅尔光学镜片,增强了抗白光干扰能力,基本上解除了误报现象。超薄外观设计,吸顶探测器与安装的周围环境达和谐统一。下望角110°,大安装高度可以达到4.0m。 主要特性 ? 下望角110°,360° ? 大安装高度4m ? 双元被动红外探测技术 ? 带微处理控制器,减少误报 ? 真实温度补偿技术 ? 双极性脉冲计数可调 ? 抗白光干扰 ? 无盲区 ? 低功耗 ? 抗射频干扰(25V/m -1GHz) ? 菲涅尔光学透镜 ? 吸顶安装,安装方便 ? 独特的抗荧光干扰 ? 具有环境记忆和C型输出模式 技术指标 工作电压:9-16VDC 工作电流:12mA 报警触点:NC,12VDC,100mA max 防拆触点:NC,12VDC,100mA max 报警时间:2.2s min 预热时间:2 minutes RFl特性:25V/m at 10Mhz to 1Ghz 工作温度:-0℃ to 55℃ 贮藏温度:-20℃ to 60℃ 外形尺寸:φ103x21mm 安装高度:2.8-4m...


产品简介:型号:AT-712 名称:烟雾报警探测器 ◆ 联网输出信号(12V) ◆ 光电探测方式 ◆ 吸顶安装 ◆ 光学迷宫 ◆ 采用低功耗 CMOS 微处理器 ◆ 特殊防潮设计 ◆ 联网(12V) 信号输出 不可选 ◆ 采用超薄式结构设计 ◆ 结构设计独特,防尘、防虫、抗外界光线干扰 ◆ 传感器:光学腔迷宫 ◆ 工作电压:12VDC -24VDC ◆ 工作电流:静电电流小于 10ua 报警工作电流 10 - 30ma ◆ 烟雾灵敏度:符合 ul217 号标准 测试值每英尺 3.2% 微弱灰烟探测器有反应 ◆ 工作环境:-10℃~50℃ ◆ 报警音量:10 英尺处为 85 分贝 ◆ 报警输出:有线方式:现场声光报警 / 有无输出,报警排除自动 ◆ 圆形尺寸:R=105mm,H=38mm 烟雾报警器消防火警认证无线火灾探头感应器独立式家用烟感探测器...


产品简介:产品型号:AT-713 产品名称:燃气探测器 ◆ 采用纳米传感器,配合本公司技术设计 ,有效地解决漏报、误报现象。 ◆ 联网信号有 NO 、 NC 和电平输出方式。 ◆ 适合与大多数弱电控制系统(防盗报警、楼宇对讲、三表远传等)配套使用 ◆ 高稳定性、长寿命 ◆ 吸顶式安装, 造型美观、功耗低, 360 度方位探测。 ◆ 警情排除自动复位 ◆ 传感器:全新纳米技术传感器,超长使用寿命 ◆ 感应气体;煤气、天然气、液化气石油气 ◆ 报警浓度:煤气: 0.1 ~ 0.5% 天然气: 0.1 ~ 0.3% 液化石油气: 0.1 ~ 0.5% ◆ 工作电压:12V ◆ 工作电流:〈 100MA ◆ 工作温度:‘-10℃~55℃ ◆ 工作湿度:小于 97% ◆ 报警音量:10 英尺处为 75 分贝 ◆ 响应时间:小于 20S ◆ 产品尺寸:80.75.29(mm)...
霍尼韦尔2108N4000N 2108N4000H 2108N4001N 2108N4001H

霍尼韦尔2108N4000N 2108N4000H 2108N4001N 2108N4001H

产品简介:2108N4000N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/ IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex deluge/ suhade 2108N4000H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex deluge/ suhade 2108N4001N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4001H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex deluge/ suhade 2108N4010N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/ IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N5000N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5000H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5010N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/ IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108N5010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108B2021N Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108B2021H Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108N5002N Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve 2108N5002H Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve...
霍尼韦尔2108N4010N 2108N4010H 2108N4011N 2108N4011H

霍尼韦尔2108N4010N 2108N4010H 2108N4011N 2108N4011H

产品简介:2108N4010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N5000N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5000H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5010N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/ IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108N5010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108B2021N Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108B2021H Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108N5002N Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve 2108N5002H Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve...
霍尼韦尔2108N5000N 2108N5000H 2108N5001N 2108N5001H

霍尼韦尔2108N5000N 2108N5000H 2108N5001N 2108N5001H

产品简介:2108N4010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N4011H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather protection housing and LNP Faradex delugeuhade 2108N5000N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5000H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001N Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5001H Optima Plus Gas Detector, ethylene veion for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing 2108N5010N Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/ IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108N5010H Optima Plus Gas Detector, hydrocarbon veion, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier, nylon weather housing and LNP Faradex delugeolar suhade. Only use with gas calibratio 0 to 100%v/v Methane (2108D3050), 0 to 400,000ppm propane (2108D3100) or 0 to 600,000 ppm propane (2108D3102) 2108B2021N Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108B2021H Optima Plus Gas Detector, X veion optimised for sampling systems, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes pre-fitted remote extended gassing cell, polyester mesh dust barrier and nylon weather protection housing. Programmed with specific 100% LEL Propane calibration curve 2108N5002N Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve 2108N5002H Optima Plus Gas Detector, Z veion optimised for solvent detection, HART? over 4 to 20mA output, ATEX/IECEx, M25 thread spigot, electro polished 316SS, includes black anodised aluminium flow housing. Programmed with specific calibration curve...


产品简介:吸顶安装 ★ 工作电压:DC9-16V ★ 阻燃ABS外壳 ★ 消耗电流:≤18mA(DC12V时) ★ 自动温度补偿 ★ 工作温度:-10℃ ~+50℃ ★ MT工艺制造,抗RFI、EMI干扰 ★ 安装方式:吸顶 ★ 三级脉冲计数可调节,方便不同的环境安装 ★ 探测角度:360度 ★ 动态阀值调节技术,有效地防止干扰 ★ 安装高度:2.5m~6m ★ 适应不同的报警主机,对讲分机,酒店灯控 ★ 探测范围:直径8m(安装高度在3.6m时) ★ 报警输出:常闭/常开可选 ★ 产品尺寸:φ79*28mm...


产品简介:燃气泄漏报警器是非常重要的燃气安全设备,它是安全使用城市燃气的后一道保护。燃气泄漏报警器通过气体传感器探测周围环境中的低浓度可燃气体,通过采样电路,将探测信号用模拟量或数字量传递给控制器或控制电路,当可燃气体浓度超过控制器或控制电路中设定的值时,控制器通过执行器或执行电路发出报警信号或执行关闭燃气阀门等动作。可燃气体报警器的探测可燃气体的传感器主要有氧化物半导体型、催化燃烧型、热线型气体传感器,还有少量的其他类型,如化学电池类传感器。这些传感器都是通过对周围环境中的可燃气体的吸附,在传感器表面产生化学反应或电化学反应,造成传感器的电物理特性的改变。家用燃气泄漏报警器广泛应用在城市安防、小区、工厂、公司、学校、家庭、别墅、仓库、资源、石油、化工、燃气输配等众多领域。 为了正确使用探测器及防止探测器故障的发生,请不要安装在以下位置: ◆ 直接受蒸汽、油烟影响的地方; ◆ 给气口、换气扇、房门等风量流动大的地方; ◆ 水汽、水滴多的地方(相对湿度:≥90%RH); ◆ 温度在-40℃以下或55℃以上的地方; ◆ 有强电磁场的地方。 报警时处理办法 1、请立即打开门窗,关闭危害气源,不得开启或关闭任何电器开关。 2、立即向煤气管理部门报告,由专业人员进行检查处理。 3、经专业人员处理后,应对报警器做通风处理。...


产品简介:深圳市夜狼安防技术有限公司,成立于1998年。 公司自成立以来,一直致力于研发生产智能报警器, 产品包括:智能烟感、气感、门磁、红外、SOS一键报警按钮,报警主机,烟雾探测器,气体探测器,门磁红外探测器,SOS等, 可以提供:zigbee、wifi、RF、rola、涂鸦智能、阿里智能全系方案, 可以承接OEM/ODM定制,欢迎全球客户!...